The 'Gist' of Wigism
Judgement Day 19th Mar 1999 I am the high Preist of Wigism (the hightest point any one follower can obtain). The Religion is young, so at the moment we are on the look out for anyone who wants to join. If you would like to join then just channel your mind and if I hear your request you will be a member. So be it in the holy text of Wigism.
The Wigism Bible
The basis of the religion is on that humble being, the Milkman. The drive upon the lonely street of the world just so we can wake up to a cup of white tea. They hand to you the Milk bottle of life inwhich you feel and nurture your very life.
In return for the service all they ask is for you to follow these simple commandments;
1.A lonesome house wife is alternative to working.
2.Thy must protect the milk tops from the evil birds.
3.You must treat the bottle with respect.
4.There is a time and a place for very milk bottle.
5.Spread love to ALL milk bottles/men worldwide.
6.Never abuse the milkfloat.
7.You have to wake early to see the mystical milkman.
8.Milk is life.
9.The cow should NEVER be tipped.
10.Milkshakes are the source of with all evil comes from.
Bide by these rules and you shall be safe from the milkshake satan.The holy time of day is Friday at 7.59pm.
The Wigism Chant Mmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy yaaaacchhiicckkwwhhiicch with cheese pleaseee Aaaaaallllllllleeeeeeennnnnn.
To be repeated several times a day.
Followers (16 in total) :
NotSoHighPriest=Mr Snow
Clergyman=Mr Till Mr Scheffer Mr Lindsay
KeeperofCows=Miss Etchell
High Monk=Mr Turner TheMonks=Mr Sinclair
High Nun=Miss Sanders Nuns=Mr Clay Miss Fotherby Miss Lewis Miss Cawte Miss Clemons Miss Scooner
Spaces still vacent (NOTE: there is an unlimited number of Nuns/Monkes).
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